Artist of the week: The Weirs

"lo-fi garage rock - aggressively delivered, somewhat embittered lyrics, trash'ey, beautifully unconvoluted guitar passages... Recorded in the band's garage. Yes. Boys."

There's something to be said for mindless Facebook scrawling of a morning (curse you Zuckerberg!). This morning's bout resulted in my stumbling over one of those creepy, 'mutual friend' situations where I, shirking the feeling that I might come across as worryingly stalkerish, decided to 'Like' a post by someone I've had only fleeting personal interaction with in the past.

I broke this social taboo for a very good reason.

The Weirs.

The ambiguous and enigmatic hand-scrawled cover image for a band who (it seems) have digitally existed for only a smattering of moments (in fact, the 8th of April, but that's a teensy amount of time whilst sucked in to social media limbo) intrigued me.

I googled. I Instagram'ed. I SoundCloud'ed.

(I perhaps even coined new phrases!).

Their debut track 'Into The Woods', plays like a perfect example of lo-fi garage rock - aggressively delivered, somewhat embittered lyrics, trash'ey, beautifully unconvoluted guitar passages reminiscent of The Stooges or MC5 that all comes together in a keenly produced package that is, to my joy and surprise, entirely homebrewed! Recorded in the band's garage. Yes. Boys.

I'm excited.

You should be excited too.

Keep an eye out for these guys in the future.

Catch The Weirs play live at Creature Sound on 20th April with All Dead, All Dead (FKA Suns) & I Digress at Creature Sound. 

The Weirs Soundcloud | The Weirs Instagram

Written by Joe Bayliss